Musing of Farrago.

Eid al-Fitr.

We humans are a statistical mean of the general good and bad we do. However as they refer the current times as "कलयुग", the general bad, is, kind of, assumed and experienced to be having more weights associated. Hence, we, in general do some general good and hand in hand do some general bad too! However in most cases, the general bad out-volumes the general good done. Thus in totality, the net effect of the general good and the general bad done by an individual is: as a result, general bad; and this general premise, holds as a tautology in most of the cases of the regular homo sapien of the कलयुग times.

In all of this, festivals, come as a "neutral setter" for all the aforementioned generals done. The knob of the accounts of the general good and general bad done, gets reset to zero, on these festive instances. Festivals, kind of, give the subconscious mind, an opportunity of gravity, and a checkpoint on the paths of time, to cleanse the mind, heart and soul. We all associate an abstract indicative to all the festivals that are celebrated out there, and the base of these indicatives is to "be better, and make the world a better place". This is the root to which ALL the indicatives boil down to. Let's see how... Just try decrypting these indicatives- here you go: Holi- "The festival of love, color and joy!" Diwali- "To forgive and forget, Light up lives!" Eid: "Unity and prosperity, a sense of fraternity (plus good food too😅)" and all the alike festivals have this indicative in common, and basically boil down to the root indicative as is aforementioned in the italicised form.

Now here, at this point of time, although its rare, but, I myself exactly don't know, what I intend to explain, showcase or make myself (and eventually you too) realise right now, but I, simply know that- LIFE IS TOO SHORT for the general negatives and the general bad. The frequency of usage of the words general by me by far, has hit a mini infinity😅 (Btw, I myself don't know what a mini infinity is) so far... It's just, because I want to sweep in the largest possible domain of all the negatives and the bad emotions, deeds and other stuff under a single word reference, so that anyone reading this, may be able to relate to this eventual GENERAL musing of mine, and encapsulate the reverberations of his or her mind under any of the two (viz. good and bad). This is the blurriest jotting of thoughts that I've ever done, but nevertheless, I'll not refractor it, correct it or even give it a second perusal for scrutiny. At this hour, I am simply stringing a stream out of the torrents of farrago thoughts enjoying entropy in the infinite volumes of some corner of my head, I am recording, in text, the unearthly voices, that are reverberating at the other corner of my mind. There may or may not be anything to emulate from this snippet this time, but as already said, that LIFE IS TOO SHORT for all the negatives, henceforth eradication of the negatives and the general bad and being a better human is a sure shot take away. The capitalised premises of this entire snippet may seem and sound to be fine, and true, but one may easily get tricked by his or her own mind, by simply imposing even the mildest level of floccinaucinihilipilification on its overall essence. Eid, is the opportunity of gravity to implement the indications of the implied indicatives herein, and to reset the knob back again to absolute zero.

Eid Mubarak Aapko! 😄

-- © Samarth Srivastava (Shiva).